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- Vessels and Heat Exchangers
Vessels and Heat Exchangers
Integral Components in Refrigeration and Heat Pump Systems
Heat exchangers are key components in both refrigeration and heat pump systems, and Sabroe offers a range of them and pressure vessels for ultimate performance. By combining these with our Sabroe compressor portfolio, all key functions in a refrigeration cycle can be covered by Sabroe products.

Sabroe's condensers are designed for condensation on the shell side outside the tubes and heating secondary and corrosive fluids on the tube side.
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The desuperheater is a horizontal, closed shell-and-tube heat exchanger designed to heat water in a closed circuit on the outside of straight steel tubes by cooling high-pressure gas inside tubes. It's designed to be built into the pressure gas line between the compressor and the condenser in cooling and heat pump units.
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Cascade Heat Exchangers
Sabroe's ECSQ series combines our smart boiling and condensing heat transfer technology using a horizontal shell-and-tube heat exchanger for in-tube condensing and boiling on the shell side — and it's available in more than 100 different configurations.
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Sabroe's evaporators are designed for flooded evaporation of refrigerant outside the tubes and cooling of secondary or corrosive fluids on the tube side.
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Suction Gas Heat Exchangers
Suction gas superheater heat exchangers serve the dual purpose of enhancing the safety of the compressor and optimising the performance of the cooling unit. It ensures that the compressor functions optimally by regulating the liquid subcooling and preventing the suction gas from overheating. This results in a safer and more efficient cooling system.
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Oil Coolers
In addition to oil cooling, our desuperheater is also suitable for installation as a subcooler or a liquid cooler, if needed.
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Oil Pot
If the standard range of Sabroe vessels doesn't contain a product that fully matches a given application, a special vessel can be manufactured according to your specifications. We also offer both vertical and horizontal receivers for onsite installations.
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Oil Rectifiers
An oil rectifier's main function is to return oil to the compressor and separate oil from the refrigerant. This is done by evaporating refrigerant inside a shell-and-tube heat exchanger and using the gas to return the oil to the compressor. We have several standard configurations to match the Sabroe product range.
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Pump Vessels
Pump separators play the crucial role of separating any excess liquid refrigerant that returns from the evaporators. This ensures that the refrigerant is properly circulated and maintains the efficiency of the system.
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Open Inter Cooler
Intermediate coolers are used in refrigeration systems with two stages to mix the discharge gas from the low-stage side with the two-phase fluid from the high-stage side. This allows discharge gas to cool down. It serves as an intermediate step in the cooling process, helping to regulate temperature and optimise overall system performance.
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Flash Economisers
The main function of an economiser is to cool the liquid refrigerant from the condenser before it's led to the evaporator, which improves efficiency. We have five standard configurations to match the Sabroe screw compressor products range.
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Vertical and horizontal receivers and oil drain vessels for site installations. The Sabroe vessel and heat exchanger product range includes both vertical and horizontal receivers for onsite installations. The series of receivers also includes oil drain vessels.
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