Boost Productivity with Genuine Parts
EasyParts LCC tool
This gives you the full life cycle material cost of your compressor with easy-to-calculate required service intervals and estimated service costs over a decade (minimum) for both the prescribed and extended warranty. It also provides a complete overview of all the kits and service sets needed to meet the warranty conditions of your compressor.
Available for registered customers via EasyParts in Solution Navigator.

Place Your Order with EasyParts
Additional Benefits:
· Prices and real-time availability
· Technical support
· Warranty & claim system
Long-life upgrade sets
Boost your Sabroe reciprocating compressor with extended service intervals and spend less on servicing with a long-life upgrade set.You'll also see fewer glitches and breakdowns, extended time between service, increased compressor usage with less downtime, and a 3-year warranty on parts delivered.
Order via EasyParts in Solution Navigator or by emailing
Sabroe Compressor Oil
In addition to high-quality parts, Sabroe also offers a high-quality range of branded synthetic and semi-synthetic oils specially developed for industrial refrigeration systems. Unlike mineral oils, Sabroe's oils are manufactured using stringent refining standards that ensure chemical stability batch after batch, which is why we provide unequivocal guarantees for quality and performance.
Order via EasyParts in Solution Navigator or by emailing
Contact Parts Centre

Opening Hours
Monday-Thursday: 08:00 - 16:30 CET
Friday: 08:00 - 16:00 CET
24-hours emergency hotline
Phone: +45 2027 1266
Stocked emergency parts can (against a fee) be dispatched outside standard opening hours.

Ordering Parts
Day-to-day deliveries of single parts, kits and service sets in stock.
Online ordering in EasyParts:
Go to
After-Sales Service
Phone: +45 2550 7900
Technical Support & Quotes
Phone: +45 2550 7900

Parts Centre
Johnson Controls Denmark ApS
Christian X's Vej 201
DK-8270 Hoejbjerg Denmark
Parts Warehouse
Johnson Controls Denmark ApS
Axel Gruhns Vej 20, Building 34, Gate 2
DK-8270 Hoejbjerg Denmark
Switchboard phone: +45 8736 7000